Amy eaton: June 6 @ Steppenwolf!

You can’t miss actress, singer, writer, performer, live-lit genius Amy Eaton! She’ll be in YBR on Thursday June 6 and WE CANNOT WAIT! Read all about Amy here and GET YOUR TICKETS! It’s going to be a super great show and we can’t wait to share these win-themed stories with you!! ❤

Amy Eaton is the co-host of MissSpoken, a Lady-centric Live Lit show. She is a Ragdale alum and the 2nd runner up in the Daisy Pettles Women’s Writing contest. Her work has been published in Hippocampus Magazine, Mulberry Literary and the Coachella Review among others. Her live work has been seen at venues including Write Club Chicago, Louder Than A Mom, The Stoop, Based On a True Story and many others. You can find out more about her love for Chicago’s literary and artistic community on the Substack “I Yell at Buildings… but I’m nice to Birds”. Amy has also spent many years as an actress, singer-songwriter and dancer, but we really don’t have time to talk about that now. She is the founder of Mudlark Theater Company in Evanston.

Don’t miss Amy Eaton on June 6 – GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY!

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